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DD/MM/YYYY jettent l’éponge…

Après 8 ans de bons et loyaux services, les canadiens décident de faire un break.
Voilà ce qu’ils écrivent sur leur face de bouc :

« it’s true. after 8 years of doing what we do, we’ve decided to take a break from doing it. thanks for the kind words. here’s a nice official thing: On behalf of the members of DD/MM/YYYY, we would truly like to thank all of the people who have helped us in any and all capacities. The labels who have released our records, the agents who have booked us, all of the bands who have taken us on tour, publicists, people who have seen us live, written about us or shared word of our band, friends, new and old who have put us up, fed us and taken care of us. We look forward to seeing you all again as performers, friends and peers. »


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